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What is Wrong with UX

Aug 3, 2021

In this episode, Kate and Laura really go off the rails talking about the similarities, differences, and issues with various different higher level UX jobs, many of which they haven't actually held in well over a decade, if at all. 

Drink Pairing: Daquiri

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Jan 5, 2021

In this episode, Kate and Laura discuss designing for lazy, irrational people. Or, you know, people. 

Drink Pairing: Veuve Clicquot Rose

Dec 18, 2018

In this episode, Kate and Laura talk endlessly about visual things. Again. This time it's storyboards. Also, Laura apparently has something against Cleveland? And also the rest of humanity? Who even knows?

Drink pairing: Mulled wine

Nov 19, 2018

In this episode, Kate and Laura talk about how to be better at whiteboard challenges if you can't avoid them entirely, which you can't, so just deal. 

Drink pairing: Wild Turkey

Nov 6, 2018

Once again, Kate and Laura try to pretend that being extremely lazy makes them good at their jobs. Whatever those jobs are. This episode is mostly just maritime puns and Laura whining about not having a yacht yet. 

Drink pairing: Veuve Clicquot